
In a small Argentine town, 17-year-old Nicholas lives in an unusual situation. His father, Jorge, is a respected doctor in the region who has two parallel lives, one with his official family and the other with his second wife with whom he has three unrecognized 3 children. Nicholas is the oldest of the three and Jorge decides that he will be his successor in business and profession. But Nicholas doesn’t conform and decides that his mother and brothers can’t live like that anymore. Screened in the Competition section of the Berlin Festival 2014.

Celina Murga

Celina Murga

Nasceu em 1973 em Paraná, Argentina. Estudou fotografia e cinema na Universidade de Cinema de Buenos Aires. Seu primeiro longa-metragem, Ana y los otros, recebeu uma menção especial no Festival de Veneza e o prêmio FIPRESCI no Festival do Rio 2003. Além de realizadora, é professora na Escola de Cinema Centro de Investigación Cinematográfica. Seus outros filmes são Una semana solos (2007) e o documentário Escuela normal (2011).


Edição 2024