An ambitious woman kills her twin sister so she can inherit a fortune. But she doesn’t imagine the unusual consequences of her actions. The feature marks the first partnership between the director Roberto Galvadón, the actress Dolores del Rio and the writer José Revueltas. The chiaroscuro photographic work by Alex Philips, and the baroque style by Gunther Gerszo are essential to the dramatic tension of the film. This digital version was made by the Laboratory of National Film Restoration from a negative from the Cinematheque at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) .

Roberto Gavaldón
Nasceu em Jiménez, México, em 1909. Um dos nomes mais conhecidos do cinema mexicano, teve filmes exibidos em importantes festivais internacionais, como Berlim, Cannes e Veneza. Em sua obra, destaca-se O manto de Soledade (1952), As 3 perfeitas casadas (1953), Camélia (1954), Após a tormenta (1955), Quarta-feira de cinzas (1958), Flor de maio (1959), indicado ao Oscar de filme estrangeiro, e Macario (1960). Faleceu em 1986 na Cidade do México.