Kumiko lives in a small apartment in Tokyo and works in an office doing various mundane tasks for her neurotic boss. When she finds an old videotape of the film Fargo, she becomes obsessed with the story thinking it is real. Kumiko studies the film meticulously, to the point of mapping out the exact location of the suitcase of money that’s buried at the end of the tape. Believing that this treasure is her only chance to change her life, Kumiko, with hardly any money and almost no English, embarks on a journey to freezing Minnesota. Special Jury Award at the Sundance Film Festival 2014.

David Zellner

Nasceu em 1973 nos Estados Unidos. Ao lado de seu irmão, Nathan Zellner, dirigiu, escreveu e produziu cinco curtas: Flotsam/Jetsam (2005), Redemptitude (2006), Aftermath on Meadowlark Lane (2007), Fiddlestixx (2009) e Sasquatch Birth Journal 2 (2011), todos exibidos no Sundance Film Festival. Entre os longas estão Goliath (Sundance 2008) e Coisa de criança, exibido no Festival de Berlim e no Festival de Rio 2012.


Edição 2024