Two years ago, in the summer of 2013, thousands of young Turks with different political convictions came together to protest against the destruction of the Gezi Park in Istanbul. What began as a protest against a real estate development soon became a protest against the politics of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government. The police violently suppressed the protest, both in Gezi Park and in Taksim Square nearby. This documentary is directed by two young Turkish-Germans who were there and filmed all they saw, putting their lives at risk in doing so.

Biene Pilavci, Ayla Gottschlich
Biene Pilavci, Ayla Gottschlich

Biene Pilavci, Ayla Gottschlich

Biene nasceu em Backnang, em 1977. Estudou na Academia Alemã de Cinema e Televisão e dirigiu o documentário Alleine Tanzen (2102), além de curtas como Riss (2010). Ayla nasceu em 1982, em Berlim. É filha de mãe turca e pai alemão. Estudou na Academia de Cinema de Baden-Württemberg e dirigiu documentários como Pizza Punjabi (2006) e Bana Bak - Schau mich an (2007). Para a TV, dirigiu o documentário Der Auftrag (2012), entre outros.