Oum Yazan is trying desperately to keep together her family life whilst outside a war is raging. The family sits together around a large table, with everyone trying to make themselves heard above the bombs and machine gun. There is hardly any water and every trip outside spells danger. While grandfather plays with his grandchild, the oldest daughter flirts with her boyfriend in her room. Who’s that knocking at the door? Could it be Oum’s husband whose return she has been anxiously awaiting, or are there men outside looking for valuables? Best director and audience award in Berlin 2017.

Philippe Van Leeuw
Nasceu em Bruxelas, em 1954, mas vive em Paris. Estudou na escola de cinema do INSAS, na Bélgica, e no American Film Institute de Los Angeles. Foi diretor de fotografia de diversos comerciais e filmes como A vida de Jesus (1997), de Bruno Dumont. Estreou na direção de longas em 2009 com Le jour où Dieu est parti en voyage, exibido nos festivais de Toronto e San Sebastián. Este é seu segundo longa-metragem.