
Joni and Raisa meet at a rehab center for young people. He escaped from military service and was sentenced to fulfill his service time as a guard at the center. She is one of the youths in custody, extremely rebellious and always making trouble. They fall in love and decide to steal a car and escape together. The two embark on an intense journey through Finland, going through idyllic spots, meeting unusual characters and finally getting to Raisa’s town of birth, where things really start getting strange.

JP Valkeapää

Nasceu em 1977 em Porvoo, na Finlândia. Estudou direção de cinema na Universidade de Helsinki e fez parte do programa de residência de Cannes Cinéfondation, onde desenvolveu o roteiro do seu primeiro longa. Dirigiu dois curtas, Eyes Closed No Hands (2000) e The Fall (2003), e um longa, The Visitor (2008), que estreou no Festival de Veneza e ganhou prêmios no Festival de Gotemburgo. Este é seu segundo longa.


Edição 2024