
Hannah has a son and a grandson, and her husband is in prison. She provides domestic services to a wealthy family and, in her spare time, attends classes in a theater group. A certain aristocratic air, however, tells us that Hannah's job doesn’t match her reality - especially when we learn of her child’s social condition. Through the feeling of a fractured identity, the film investigates modern alienation, the struggle for connection and the dividing lines between individual identity, personal relationships and social pressures. Best actress for Charlotte Rampling in Venice, 2017.

Andrea Pallaoro

Andrea Pallaoro

Nasceu em 1982, em Trento, na Itália. Formou-se pelo Hampshire College, antes de estudar direção no Instituto de Artes da Califórnia. É diretor do curta Wunderkammer, exibido no Festival de Londres 2008, e do longa Medeas, premiado no Festival de Veneza 2013.


Edição 2024