A student strike that has been going on for months at the National University campus, means that Sombra and Santos, two roommates, remain in a kind of limbo in their apartment in Mexico City. But their leisurely routine is interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Sombra’s teenage brother. Tomás has been kicked out of home because of an incident involving a baby and a water balloon. Together the three restless young men roam the city looking for fun. Winner of the award for Best Debut Film at Berlin Festival 2014 and Best Debut Director at Tribeca Festival 2014.

Alonso Ruizpalacios
Nasceu em 1978 na Cidade do México. Estudou artes dramáticas na Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA), em Londres. Além de peças de teatro, dirigiu séries de TV mexicanas, incluindo a premiada XY. Seus primeiros curtas, Café Paraíso (2008) e The Cu Bird’s Last Song (2011), foram exibidos em festivais como os de Guadalajara e Tribeca. Güeros é seu longa-metragem de estreia.