Grace Jones, a sculptural model who has become a singer, actress and icon, has made use of her career to create several versions of herself. But who is the real Grace behind masks and makeup? Far from formal statements, this documentary uses an unconventional language to unravel who the Grace’s characters are on and off the stage. Filmed over the course of ten years, this is an unprecedented portrait of the artist's private universe: with her family in Jamaica, in her studio and in Paris, with her maker and lover, Jean-Paul Goude. Toronto, 2017.

Sophie Fiennes
Nasceu em Suffolk, na Inglaterra, e estudou na Chelsea College of Arts, em Londres. Trabalhou com o diretor Peter Greenaway antes de dirigir diversos documentários, dentre os quais destacam-se The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (Toronto e Karlovy Vary 2006), Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow (Cannes e Toronto 2010) e The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (Toronto, CPH:DOX e Roterdã 2012).