
Johnny Saxby is 25-year-old and runs the family farm in Yorkshire, England. He has sacrificed going away to college or getting a job to work for his ailing father, Martin, and grandmother. At night, he numbs his frustrations with binge drinking and casual sex with other men. When Martin hires a Romanian migrant worker, Gheorghe, to assist his son in the farm, Johnny bitterly resents, insisting he can cope on his own. But Gheorghe proves he not only understands this farming life, but more importantly, he understands Johnny. Best director at Sundance Film Festival 2017; shown at Berlin 2017.

Francis Lee

Francis Lee

Nascido em Yorkshire, Reino Unido, tem uma extensa carreira como ator, tendo participado de filmes como Topsy-Turvy - O espetáculo (1999) e Eu sem você (2001). Estreou na direção com o curta-metragem The Farmer’s Wife (2012). Seguiram-se Bradford Halifax London (2013) e The Last Smallholder (2014), no mesmo formato. Este é seu primeiro longa-metragem como diretor.


Edição 2024