
‘A kaleidoscopic tale’ as defined by the director himself, Juan Cavestany. This experiment seems to randomly make its way through comedy, drama, social chronicle, horror and surrealism with a common denominator: the uncompromising poetry of the human condition against the onslaught of the unusual and the chaotic. An ambitious film, made up of twenty short scenes with different tones and subjects. There is no link between them, quite the opposite. The arbitrariness will in itself lend a feeling of unity to the discourse. Toronto Festival and San Sebastián 2013.

Juan Cavestany

Juan Cavestany

Nasceu em 1967 em Madrid. É diretor, roteirista e dramaturgo. Para o cinema, escreveu roteiros para filmes como Guerreros (2002) e Los lobos de Washington (1999). Dirigiu e escreveu diversos filmes, como Gente de mala calidad (2008) e Dispongo de barcos (2010), além do média-metragem El señor (2012) e os curtas-metragens Ramona (2010) e Lo otro (2011).

  • Gente en sitios
  • Gente en sitios
  • Gente en sitios
  • Gente en sitios
  • Gente en sitios