Globalization, automation, Donald Trump. The middle class is falling apart. One hears talk about the causes, rather than about solutions. An unconditional basic income is a visionary neoliberal reform project or a socially romantic left-wing utopia? Does gainful employment give our lives meaning and social footing simply because we haven't known anything else for centuries? Would you go to work if you were paid just for existing? A radical and provocative documentary with some of the biggest specialists in basic income in the world.

Christian Tod
Nasceu em 1977, em Linz, na Áustria. É economista e atualmente trabalha em sua dissertação sobre renda básica incondicional. Dirigiu os filmes Fatsy (2007) e Es muss was geben (exibido no Festival de Munique 2010). Este é seu terceiro longa-metragem.