Singer, poet, and composer of iconic songs such as "Katia Flavia" and "Rio 40 Graus", Fausto Fawcett is also the author of five novels and several performances that unveil a vast and singular universe. Starting from real and everyday signs with roots in Copacabana, his work crosses narrative, philosophical, and time boundaries to establish futuristic visions and sensory experiences that shake human adventure carrying us to other worlds. The destiny of this trance film is to enter these worlds that inhabit the creative, restless, and challenging mind of a unique artist.

Victor Lopes
Victor Lopes is a director, screenwriter, producer, and professor of Film and Television. He directed the short film Bala Perdida and the feature films Língua, Vidas em Portugues; Eliezer Batista; As Aventuras de Agamenon, O Repórter; Serra Pelada, A Lenda da Montanha de Ouro; and Betinho, A Esperança Equilibrista, winners of 42 national and international awards. At TV he worked with History Channel, Arte, GNT, and Rede Globo.