Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill trails the JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command), the American army’s most secret elite. It acts in countries such as Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia, and its operations and bomb attacks often do not make official registers. Interviewing ex-army officials and relatives of the people victimized by such operations, Scahill finds out that JSOC has a list of targets that includes even American citizens, which demonstrates that the War on Terror, far from having subsided, only grew during the Obama administration. Sundance Film Festival 2013.

Richard Rowley
Born in 1975, in the US. He is a documentary filmmaker and has directed, among other films, This Is What Democracy Looks Like (2000), Black & Gold (2001) and The Fourth World War (2003). He has also produced news stories for television networks such as Al Jazeera, BBC, CBC and CNN.