
In Addis Ababa, young lawyer Meaza Ashenafi has set up a network of free legal representation for poor women and children in Ethiopia. She courageously faces all kinds of prejudice and harassment. However, she faces her greatest challenge when she takes on Hirut´s case, a 14 year old girl who was kidnapped and raped on her way back from school. To escape she stole a weapon and shot one of her attackers. Due to the Telefa tradition (marriage by kidnap), Hirut is now accused of murder although she acted in legitimate self-defense. Audience Award in Berlin and Sundance 2014.

Zeresenay Berhane Mehari

Nasceu na Etiópia e trabalha na indústria cinematográfica há mais de uma década. É formado pela School of Cinematic Arts, da University of Southern California. Em 2008, dirigiu o curta-metragem Coda e coproduziu Africa Unite, exibido no Festival do Rio e de Roterdã do mesmo ano. Fundou Haile Addis Pictures para produzir Difret, seu primeiro longa-metragem de ficção.


Edição 2024