In an era in which religion, sports, memory and truth are in decline, meetings no longer take place only within physical presence. "HE" seeks the elevation of his consciousness through dreams and intuitions. Revelations through symbols lead to him on an evolutionary path marked by the enigmatic contact with his soul mate. His journey through the Blue Desert reveals the opportunity to understand the purpose of life and the meaning of human existence.
Eder Santos
Nasceu em Belo Horizonte. Vídeo-artista de renome internacional, possui obras que integram os acervos permanentes do MoMA, em Nova York, e do Centre Georges Pompidou, em Paris. Dirigiu o longa-metragem Enredando as pessoas(1995), ganhador do prêmio de melhor montagem no Festival de Havana. Dirigiu também os curtas-metragemns Delicadeza do amor (2004), Cinema (2010), selecionado para o Festival de Roterdã, e Pilgrimage (2010).