Jakob is a young policeman in a small town that is continually terrorised by wolves. When a mysterious package is delivered to the police station Jakob goes in search of the sender in the forest. In a hut he finds a man with wild eyes wearing a white dress. He opens the package to reveal a katana – a samurai sword. Then a game of cat and mouse begins between the samurai and the cop, who tries at all costs to restrain what is being offered by his dangerous opponent: transgressive fantasies. Screened at the Berlin Festival 2014.

Till Kleinert
Nasceu em 1980 na Alemanha. Estudou direção na Academia de Cinema de Berlim e dirigiu quatro curtas-metragens: Hundefutter (2007), Cowboy (2008), Kokon (2009) e Boys Village (2011), exibidos em festivais ao redor do mundo. É membro da Schattenkante Film Makers' Association desde 2005. Este é seu filme de graduação e seu primeiro longa-metragem.