On 6 May 1945, soldiers of the 88th US Infantry Division occupied the Himmlers’ family home on Lake Tegernsee, where they discovered hundreds of private letters, documents, journals and photographs. The film makes use of these materials and copious archive footage to sketch the biography of SS commander Heinrich Himmler, who committed suicide at the end of May 1945. How did this nationalistic lower-middle-class man become Hitler’s henchman responsible for executing millions of Jews, Communists and Romany people? Where did his ideology originate? Berlin 2014.

Vanessa Lapa
Nasceu na Bélgica e vive em Israel desde 1995. Como jornalista, produziu e dirigiu mais de 100 reportagens para a televisão israelense. Em 2009, realizou o documentário Olmert – Concealed Documentary, sobre os bastidores do governo e da vida do primeiro ministro de Israel, Ehud Olmert. Também esteve ao lado do colunista do The New York Times, Thomas Friedman, na produção de Stradding the Fence (2003).