You’ve Made My Samba follows the daily lives of the widows of five of Rio de Janeiro’s samba greats. These women, working behind the scenes, become guardians of a fundamental part of Brazilian music history. A documentary about love, partnership, and longing, which champions a history of the women in our national culture and threads the fine line between their importance as partners in the career of these great samba players and their sacrifice in giving up their own lives to live someone else’s dream.
Isabel Nascimento Silva
Isabel Nascimento Silva is a director and producer and co-creator of Hysteria. She is currently releasing her first theatrical feature film, the documentary You’ve Made My Samba, about the widows of Rio de Janeiro’s samba greats, and finishing her second, Radical Women. Silva has directed projects for TV, streaming, and advertising, including the TV movie Primavera das Mulheres, which was awarded at the New York Festivals.