
On April 10, 1980, a shot rang out on the streets of Crown Heights, Brooklyn, igniting a decades-long quest for justice. Colin Warner is arrested for a crime he did not commit, a victim of a deeply broken system that refuses to listen. Quick to throw him away, the court wrongfully convicts him. But as Colin loses hope to reclaim an innocence that has been cast aside, his best friend, Carl King, devotes his life to restoring Colin's freedom, doggedly pursuing every lead for years. Based on a true story. Winnder of the audience award at the Sundance Film Festival 2017.

Matt Ruskin

Matt Ruskin

É produtor, diretor, roteirista e montador. Produziu filmes como City of Dead Men (2014), O garoto (2015) e Conexão Escobar (2016). Dirigiu o documentário The Hip Hop Project (2006), exibido em festivais como Tribeca e Austin. Seu primeiro longa de ficção foi Booster (2012), vencedor de um prêmio especial do júri no festival South by Southwest.


Edição 2024