After a love affair,spoilt Betty has a disagreement with her millionaire father and in rebellion, she escapes with her lover to France. But her father leads her to believe that he is bankrupt and that she will have to support herself. One of the rare Hitchcock comedies, it was considered by the director himself as the worst of all his films. A restoration by the BFI National Archive in association with STUDIOCANAL. Principal restoration funding provided by The Eric Anker-Petersen Charity. Additional funding provided by Deluxe 142. The screening will be accompanied by live music by pianist Cadu Pereira

Alfred Hitchcock

Nasceu em 1899, em Londres, e faleceu em1980, nos EUA. The Pleasure Garden (1925),é seu primeiro longa como diretor. Dirigiu mais de 60 filmes ao longo de sua carreira, incluindo O inquilino (1926), A dama oculta (1938), ambos ainda na Inglaterra. Em 1939, mudou-se para os EUA, onde dirigiu Rebecca (1940), vencedor do Oscar de melhor filme, Janela indiscreta (1954), Um corpo que cai (1958), Psicose (1960), Os pássaros (1963), entre outros.


Edição 2024