
How can one do justice to the career of a man who ranks so high in the cinematic elite such as Jean-Claude Carrière? This documentary tackles the challenge of unveiling the thoughts of the man behind screenplays such as The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, Belle de Jour, Tin Drum, At Play in The Fields of the Lord, among others. The directors accompanied Carrière in his travels through Mexico, Paris and New York, during which he shares his reflections on storytelling. A testament to the life and work of a man who was essential to modern cinema.

Juan Carlos Rulfo, Natalia Gil

Juan Carlos Rulfo was born in Mexico in 1964. A Communication Sciences graduate at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, he studied Film at the Centro de Capacitación Cinematografico. His directed Del olvido al no me acuerdo (1999), Los que se quedan (2008) and En el hoyo (2006). Natalia Gil graduated in Communications at the Iberoamericana University and directed Gandhi: una vela encendida (1998), Tibet, un pueblo en el exilio (2001) and Llorando la hermosa vida (2008).


Edição 2024