
Max, a nerd who works in a horror film goods shop is dating Evelyn, a vegan ecologist who tries to make him adopt her lifestyle, forcing him to make vows of eternal love. Some of the vows, however, are made in front of an object with magical powers to transform desires into reality – something that Max discovers only when Evelyn, weeks later dies after being run over, comes back as a zombie to disrupt his life and interfere with his new relationship with the beautiful Olivia, another horror movie fanatic. From director Joe Dante (Gremlins, The Howling). Venice Film Festival 2014 .

Joe Dante

Nasceu em 1946 nos EUA. Estudou na Philadelphia College of Art e, logo após se formar, foi trabalhar na produtora de Roger Corman. Seus longas Piranha (1978) e Grito de horror (1981) chamaram a atenção de Steven Spielberg, que o convidou para dirigir Gremlins (1984). Nascia uma carreira de sucesso no cinema de gênero, com filmes como Meus vizinhos são um terror (1989), Gremlins 2 (1990), Matinee (1993) e Pequenos guerreiros (1998).


Edição 2024