
An impressive account of how governments control and manipulate the internet to censor and monitor their citizens. With stories and experiences ranging from Tibetans monks who bypass China's surveillance equipment to Brazilian activists who use social networks to diversify the media, we see firsthand the high-risk consequences produced by our unprecedented level of digital communication. As the battle for cyberspace control is raged, our ideas of citizenship, privacy and democracy are redefined. Toronto, 2016.

Nick de Pencier

Nick de Pencier

Nasceu no Canadá. Para a TV, dirigiu os documentários Dances for a Small Screen (1998), Mighty Ships (2008), La grande migration des papillons monarque (2011), entre outros. Realizou ainda os curtas Dances for a Small Screen: Motel (1998) e Five Doors (exibido no Festival de Vancouver 2003) e o longa-metragem Four Wings and a Prayer (2007). Este é seu segundo longa documental.


Edição 2024