Thirty years after his death, visual artist Joseph Beyus is still ahead of his time. He was the first German artist to receive an individual exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum in New York, while in Germany his work was often called “the most expensive trash of all time”. Here, he speaks for himself through audios and images from unpublished archive. An open and subjective portrait that, like the artist himself, gives room for ideas instead of proclaiming absolute truths, feeding, already back then, from the social, political and moral debates of today. Berlin, 2017.

Andres Veiel
Nasceu em Stuttgart, na Alemanha, em 1959. Estudou psicologia, direção e dramaturgia em Berlim, sob a tutela de Krzysztof Kieślowski. É diretor de filmes como Balagan (1994) e Black Box BRD (2002), ambos exibidos no Festival de Berlim. Por If Not Us, Who? (2011) recebeu o prêmio Alfred Bauer no mesmo festival. Voltou ao Festival de Berlim em 2006 com Der Kick, adaptação de sua peça de teatro lançada no ano anterior.