
Catherine returns to Luxembourg from Switzerland following a period of ten years during which her daughter Alba was raised by her own mother Elisabeth. Back home, Catherine understands that the roles in this family have been assigned, but she must fight for the chance of being a mother to her daughter. On a spontaneous trip to the family’s summer house, Alba and Catherine’s wounds come out into the open, between gentleness and distance, sometimes seeming more like two very different sisters. Selected for the Form sidebar at the Berlin Film Festival 2017.

Laura Schroeder

Nascida em 1980, em Luxemburgo, estudou cinema na Universidade de Paris 1 – Sorbonne e é pós-graduada em direção pela Escola Nacional de Cinema e Televisão de Londres. Dirigiu os curtas-metragens Senteurs (2008) e Double Saut (2010) e estreou em longas com a aventura adolescente Schatzritter (2012).


Edição 2024