
​New York magazine’s October 2005 issue electrified the publishing world when it exposed the writer of the moment, JT LeRoy, whose prose about his sordid childhood had captivated icons and celebrities around the world. JT Leroy was a fraud who existed only in the dreams of a phone sex operator, the middle-aged rocker Laura Albert. This documentary takes us on a journey down Alice’s rabbit hole through a glittery world of rock shows, fashion events, and the red carpets that inspired Laura to give life to her character for decades. Sundance Film Festival 2016.​

Jeff Feuerzeig

​1964, United States. Selected filmography: Half Japanese: The Band That Would Be King (Toronto Film Festival 1994), The Devil and Daniel Johnston (best documentary at the Sundance Film Festival 2005), The Dude (short, 2011), and The Real Rocky (documentary produced for ESPN, 2011).​


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