After a personal crisis, Cristina returns to her town of birth after 7 years away. Her parents, already deceased, left their childhood home to her older brother, Maurice, who lives there with his girlfriend who is 20 years younger. Feeling out of place in her own home Cristina makes an effort to reclaim her space in the house and in the affection of her brother, working through old disagreements and resentments. The result is a psychological and emotional war where the there is no clear boundary between past and the present.

Marcelo Tobar
Nasceu em 1977 na Cidade do México. Iniciou seus estudos de cinema em Madri e especializou-se em direção e roteiro na Vancouver Film School. Retornando ao México, escreveu roteiros para a TV e fundou, em parceria com Geraldine Juarez, a Películas del 77, produtora pela qual produziu diversos videoclipes. Em 2008, escreveu e dirigiu Dos mil metros (sobre el nivel del mar), exibido no Festival do México 2008.