
Author, rebel, innovator, player. A crazy family guy. Director and artist. The life and career of Robert Altman in a multitude of roles. This father of American independent cinema left an indelible mark, not only in the evolution of his art form, but also in the Western Zeitgeist. This documentary celebrates 50 years of the redemptive and epic career of one of the most important and influential filmmakers in history, the man behind seminal films such as MASH, Nashville, The Long Goodbye, Scenes From a Marriage, The Player, Short Cuts, Gosford Park, among others.

Ron Mann

Nasceu em 1959 em Toronto, no Canadá. Documentarista, constantemente se debruça sobre aspectos da cultura popular canadense e americana. É diretor de filmes como Comic Book Confidential (Festival de Toronto 1988), Twist (Toronto 1992), Erva (Toronto 1999, BAFICI e IDFA 2000), Go Futher (Toronto e SXSW 2003), Tales of the Rat Fink (Toronto, SXSW 2006), Know Your Mushrooms (BAFICI 2008) e Flak (BAFICI 2009).


Edição 2024