Since she was little, Sook-hee was trained to become a bloodthirsty killer. When the head of the Korean Intelligence Agency volunteers to recruit her as a secret agent, Sook-hee gets a second chance: "Work for us for ten years and you will be free". Her new identity is as Chae Yeon-soo, a theater actress. After serving her country for a decade, she begins a new life, where she has to deal with day to day mundane tasks. When two men suddenly appear in her life, she will discover secrets of her past. 2017 Cannes Festival.

Jung Byoung-Gil
Nasceu em 1980, na Coreia do Sul. Tem extensa carreira como dublê de filmes de ação. Seu primeiro longa como diretor foi o documentário Action Boys (2006). Ficou conhecido mundialmente com seu primeiro longa de ficção, o policial Confissão de assassinato (2012), vencedor o prêmio de melhor thriller no Festival de Cinema Fantástico de Bruxelas.