Lucia and Manuel have a 7 year-old-son and are going through a moment in their marriage in which desire has gone a bit flat, but they still share a dream: to build a house with a garden outside of the city. They sell their apartment to be able to do this and move to Lucia’s mother’s house while the building works are happening. However, with the move, the pressures on the couple just increase and although they don’t admit it, Lucia and Manuel begin to grow apart. Screened in competition at the International Festival of San Sebastian and Toronto Festival 2014.

Anahí Berneri
Nasceu em 1975 em Martínez, Argentina. Estudou cinema no Instituto ORT 4 no Institut National de l’Audiovisuel, em Paris. Em 2004, escreveu e dirigiu seu primeiro longa-metragem, Un año sin amor,vencedor do Teddy Award no Festival de Berlim 2004. Encarnación, o segundo longa, levou o prêmio FIPRESCI no Festival de San Sebastián 2007. Seu terceiro filme, Por su culpa (2010), rendeu a Erica Rivas o prêmio Sur de melhor atriz.