
In a dystopic world, the Girl breaks her porcelain pot, which holds a secret, and opens gateways to a parallel universe. The Girl and the Pot is co-directed by animator Tati Bond, with animation direction by Nora Normande. Semaine de la Critique 2024.

Valentina Homem

Valentina Homem

Multi-discipline artist since 2000. Her films have been exhibited in festivals like Semaine de la Critique, Quinzaine des Réalisateurs, Annecy, Ann Arbor Festival, Brasília and Olhar de Cinema.

  • A Menina e o Pote
  • A Menina e o Pote
  • A Menina e o Pote
  • A Menina e o Pote
  • A Menina e o Pote
  • A Menina e o Pote


Friday, 11/10 19:15* Estação NET Gávea 4
Friday, 11/10 19:15* Estação NET Gávea 5
Saturday, 12/10 13:30 Cine Odeon - CCLSR

* Introduction by the guest(s) and/or Q&A
** Free session