Décio is a winning horse trainer who works at the Rio de Janeiro’s Jockey Club, where Lena runs an indebted coffee shop that she inherited. Worried about her financial situation and having to take care of her younger brother who is in a wheelchair, Lena never smiles. In love, Décio must overcome his shyness to get close to her, especially with him being only 1.20m tall. He will do anything to get Lena's attention, including becoming a comedian, just so he can see Lena smile.

Pedro Antonio Paes  e Alvaro Campos

Pedro Antonio Paes e Alvaro Campos

Pedro Antônio Paes produziu e roteirizou Coisa mais linda - Histórias e casos da bossa nova (2005) e dirigiu a série Antônimo Menezes - A câmera e o violoncelo. Alvaro Campos escreveu e dirigiu Leo & Carol (2016), eleito melhor curta documentário no Festival Internacional du Cinema sur le Hadcap. Em TV, foi roteirista do Comédia MTV.


Edição 2024