
​Elias, a successful executive at a large private bank in Brazil, meets a mysterious embroiderer who says she can see the future. She tells him that he will become vice president of the bank that same day, and soon after that he will become president. Elias tells his wife, Clara, who, intrigued by the predictions, suggests that he invite the president of the bank round for dinner. The wheel of fortune turns and the couple commit a series of murders, leaving a trail of blood on their path to power and turning them into perpetrators and victims of their own destiny.​

Vinicius Coimbra

Vinicius Coimbra

​He graduated in marketing and advertising from ESPM/SP. He runs workshops on scriptwriting, directing and acting, and has directed soap-operas, mini-series and advertising films. In 2013 he won the Emmy Award for best soap-opera for TV Globo’s Lado a lado. His first feature, The Hour and the Turn of Augusto Matraga, won five awards at the Rio Film Festival in 2011.​

  • A floresta que se move
  • A floresta que se move
  • A floresta que se move
  • A floresta que se move
  • A floresta que se move