
A dinner held among four people whose political positioning is converging at times and quite diverging at most is transformed into an assembly performed by 4 actors and 2 mediators (co-directors) on the stage of the Municipal Theatre of São Paulo.

Beatriz Sayad
Beatriz Sayad
Beatriz Sayad

Beatriz Sayad

Heloisa Passos directed, produced and photographed Eneida (2022) and Construindo Pontes (2017). Beatriz Sayad is an author, actress, director, and translator graduated in Letters from PUC - Rio. She has worked at Compagnia Finzi Pasca (Switzerland) since 2010. Juliana Jardim is an actress, educator, researcher, and director. Post-doctor, she developed a study entitled "Essay, ignorance and unfolding".


Edição 2024