On his way back from class, a philology professor is questioned by his wife about his new pedagogical project. She is suspicious of the teaching methods her husband intends to use at his Muse Academy, a project based on classical references that promises to contribute to the regeneration of the world through poetry. He speaks of muses, these figures capable of inspiring poets to create something that did not exist before. The controversial project sets in motion a series of events dominated by words and desire. By the director of In the City of Sylvia. Locarno Film Festival 2015.
José Luis Guerín
Nasceu em 1960, em Barcelona. Em sua filmografia destacam-se En construccíon (2001), vencedor do Goya na categoria melhor documentário, Na cidade de Sylvia (2007), exibido nos festivais de Veneza e do Rio, e Unas fotos en la ciudad de Sylvia (2007). Voltou ao Festival de Veneza com o documentário Guest. Em 2011, ao lado do mestre Jonas Mekas, codirigiu Correspondencias, mesmo ano em que realizou Recuerdos de una mañana.