
When her mother decides to have a sex change, teenage Billie, 16 years old, moves to her father’s house for a year against her will. Her mother, who now prefers to be called James, promises to spend Tuesday afternoons with her. Over the course of a year, Billie starts to explore her desires with two friends. Her discoveries about affection and sexuality have an impact on her relationship with James. Winner of the Crystal Bear for Best Film in the Generation 14plus at Berlin 2014 and Best Director at Sundance Film Festival 2014.

Sophie Hyde

Nasceu em 1977 na Austrália. Seus primeiros curtas-metragens, My Last Ten Hours With You (2007), Necessary Games (2009) e Elephantiasis (2010), foram exibidos em diversos festivais internacionais dedicados ao formato. Em 2011, produziu o longa documentário Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure, dirigido por Matthew Bate, que estreou no Sundance Film Festival daquele ano.


Edição 2024