
A young up and coming actress arrives in small town Del Rio, on the border of Texas and Mexico, to take part in what she believes to be a reputable film production. However, she discovers she is in for a trouble: the project, The Return of the Ghost Policemen, is a cheap horror flick produced by a troupe of amateur teenaged filmmakers whose director is out of town in search of money. Meanwhile, a mysterious cowboy wanders through the town to try and deliver plants for a client – but his true purpose is much more sinister.

Rania Attieh, Daniel Garcia

Rania Attieh, Daniel Garcia

Rania Attieh nasceu em 1977 no Líbano. Daniel Garcia nasceu em 1979 nos EUA. Rania estudou na City College of New York e Daniel na New York University. Codirigiram e produziram diversos curtas. O primeiro longa da dupla, Ok, Enough, Goodbye (2010), ganhou o prêmio do júri no Festival de São Francisco e o prêmio de diretores-revelação no Festival de Abu Dhabi.


Edição 2024